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M*SDK - Advanced Multicore Software Development Kit
Overview The focus of the Imperas products is to save engineering time in the development of embedded software, primarily achieved by making the engineering process significantly more efficient through the use of high-performance simulation and automated, powerful tooling.
The Imperas Multicore Software Development Kit (M*SDK) is a complete embedded software development environment that operates using virtual platforms and is specifically designed to handle complex multicore related issues. M*SDK contains all the capabilities of the M*DEV product, together with a comprehensive verification, analysis, and profiling (VAP) tool set, plus an advanced 3-dimensional (temporal, spatial and abstraction) debug solution, named 3Debug™, for heterogeneous multicore processor, peripheral, and embedded software debug. Both the Verification, Analysis and Profiling (VAP) tools, as well as the 3Debug environment contain a range of highly advanced capabilities to handle unusual problems while also enhancing embedded code for multicore designs and complex processor platforms. Custom capability may be easily created to handle specific scenarios. The system uses advanced technology to improve the performance and reliability of the solution, eliminating wasted hours of unnecessary engineering effort.
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