Neural-network Processing Unit hardware-software co-design IP
Luba Tang - CEO - Skymizer Inc.
Biography :

Luba Tang is the founder and CEO of Skymizer Inc., which is in the business of providing system software to IC design teams. Skymizer's system software solutions enable AI-on-Chip design houses to automate AI application development, improve system performance, and optimize inference accuracy. Luba Tang's research interests include electronic system level (ESL) design, system software, and neural networks. He had focused on iterative compilers, ahead-of-time compilers, link-time optimization, neural network compilation, and neural network optimization. His most recent work focuses on exploiting various types of parallelism from different accelerators in a hyper-scale system-on-chip. | Luba Tang 是 Skymizer Taiwan Inc. 的创始人兼首席执行官,该公司主要为 IC 设计团队提供系统软件。Skymizer 的系统软件解决方案使 AI-on-Chip 设计公司能够自动化 AI 应用程序的开发、提高系统性能并优化推理精度。Luba的研究兴趣包括电子系统层次 (ESL) 设计、系统软件和神经网络。他曾专注于iterative compilers、ahead-of-time compilers、link-time optimization、神经网络编译和神经网络优化。他最近专注于从不同的加速器中挖掘超大规模片上系统中的各种类型并行性。 |
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