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Corporate Headquarters
Tiempo Secure
Montbonnot Saint Martin 38330, France About Tiempo Secure
At Tiempo Secure, we deliver Secure Element IP cores and secure software libraries that are guaranteed to enable Common Criteria EAL5+ or equivalent security certification of any System-on-Chip (SoC) or application processor chip integrating these cores. We partner with software companies to offer complete secure hardware and software solutions for various security OS and applications, such as JavaCard 3.0.5 OS, iSIM, Web authentication, payment, smart car access and vehicle communication, and their corresponding certifications GSMA, FIDO2, EMVCo and V2X HSM.
Major chip manufacturers in Europe, USA and Asia have already trusted us by integrating into their design our Secure Element IP cores for the aforementioned applications, and using our security expert services, including Common Criteria certification lab support, and software configuration of HSM servers for secure chip personalization and firmware programming. No Silicon IP found CloseNo Verification IP found CloseNo SoC Solution found CloseNo SoC Design Platform found CloseNo SoC Design Service found Close
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