
Packetcraft, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
Packetcraft, Inc.
San Diego
United States

About Packetcraft, Inc.

Packetcraft delivers production-ready baseband to application embedded software, including full source code, to meet the constant evolution of short-range wireless technologies including Bluetooth LE and UWB. Packetcraft solutions enable semiconductor and product companies to achieve greater product differentiation with more features and customization. Headquartered in San Diego and comprised of renowned technology architects and engineers who have been keeping pace with the evolution of Bluetooth for decades, Packetcraft is a supplier and partner to some of the biggest names in wireless with a comprehensive portfolio that implements the latest specs, is extensively tested, and is Bluetooth qualified to ensure fast time-to-market and reduced risk. For more information, visit www.packetcraft.com. To download product briefs, visit: https://www.packetcraft.com/product-briefs.
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