The Current Situation of China's Integrated Circuit Industry and the Trend of IP Core Business
Bulu Xu - Vice Director - Shanghai Silicon Intellectual Property Exchange
Biography :

Dr. Xu was the general manager and a broad member of Shanghai Silicon Intellectual Property Exchange Co., Ltd. since 2006. Prior to that, Dr. Xu was an IT economic officer in Shanghai Municipal Government. From 1999 to 2002, Dr. Xu studied and worked in MB SIM Technology Co., Ltd. Dr. Xu holds a Ph. D major in automotive electronics reliability from Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Xu was also one of the most influential silicon IP exchange experts in China. He is the vice chairman of Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association and has a very good relationship with Chinese semiconductor and communication industry. More than 50 silicon IP cores based on SMIC and GSMC were developed under his lead. Dr. Xu led his team to help almost all of Chinese famous IC clients and some IT clients to establish, manage, and commercialize their corporate patent portfolios. His group is the best-known international patent license and technology transfer team in local. |
Tian-Shen Tang - General Consultant - Shanghai Silicon Intellectual Property Exchange
Biography :

Dr. Tian-Shen Tang is the executive president of ICSpace (Zhejiang) Technology Development Co., director of SMEC, independent director of Anji Microelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., director of Moffett AI Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Semiconductor Industry Association. Dr. Tang held many industrial management positions, including EVP of SMIC, VP of Shanghai Huahong NEC Electronics Co., CEO of Guangdong LeapFive Technology Co., President and CEO of Solantro Semiconductor Corp. of Canada, Co-founder and CTO of Penstar Technology Corp. of US, and senior design manager of Intel Corp. of US. Before entering the industry, Dr. Tang was a tenured associate professor at Texas A&M University-Kingsville of US. Mr. Tian-Shen Tang holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University and a BS in Mathematics from Nankai University in Tianjin. | 汤天申博士现任芯空间(浙江)科技发展有限公司执行总裁,绍兴中芯集成电路制造股份有限公司董事,安集微电子科技(上海)股份有限公司独立董事,墨芯人工智能科技(深圳)有限公司董事,浙江省半导体行业协会副理事长。 汤博士曾担任的主要产业职务包括:中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司执行副总裁、上海华虹NEC电子有限公司副总裁、 广东跃昉科技有限公司首席执行官、加拿大Solantro半导体公司总裁兼首席执行官、美国Penstar技术公司共同创始人和首席技术官、美国英特尔(Intel)公司高级设计经理。进入工业界前,汤博士是美国德克萨斯农工大学金斯维尔分校终身职副教授。 汤天申先生拥有美国德克萨斯农工大学电子工程博士学位和天津南开大学数学学士学位。 |
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