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AES Encryption & Decryption with Programmable Block Cipher Mode AES-P


The Alma Technologies AES-P IP Core implements the FIPS-197 Advanced Encryption Standard. It can be programmed to encrypt or decrypt 128-bit blocks of data, using 128-, 192-, or 256-bit cipher-key. The Block Cipher mode of operation is run-time programmable to ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, or CTR. The AES-P core is available in two variations, the standard AES32-P and the fast AES128-P.

AES32-P has a 32-bit internal datapath, while the AES128-P uses 128-bit datapath. The AES32-P is more compact in size, but offers a lower throughput than the AES128-P. The AES32-P needs 44/52/60 clock cycles to encrypt or decrypt an input block using 128/192/256-bit cipher-key, respectively, while only 11/13/15 clock cycles are required for the same by the AES128-P core.

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