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15 "PUF Based" IP

Fully Digital Physically Unclonable Function (PUF)
In cryptography, a key is used by ciphers to transform a plaintext into cipher text or cipher text into plaintext. The key is a sensitive information, therefore it must be generated by a true random s...

PUF-based Secure Crypto Co-processor
PUFcc (former known as PUFiot) is a novel high-security Crypto Coprocessor IP, combining a Hardware Root of Trust with a full suite of cryptographic algorithms, forming an adaptable security module suitable for integration into a wide array of system architectures.

PUFauth - PUF-based Symmetric Authentication
PUFauth provides an integrated PUF-based hardware solution including protocol design, key protection and session-key generation.

PUFcc7 - Upgraded PUF-based Crypto Coprocessor (Compliant with TLS 1.3 / FIPS 186-5)

PUFcc Series Crypto Coprocessor IP presents its uniqueness in the combination of a PUF-based hardware root of trust with a full suite of cryptographic algorithms. The whole IP is further protected ...

PUFenc - PUF-based Crypto Engine
PUFenc uses NeoPUF as the key for encryption. It extracts a NeoPUF value to generate the crypto engine key.

PUFkeygen - PUF-based Key Generator
PUFkeygen is an IP for hardware acceleration-based symmetric key generation.

PUFkeyst - PUF-based Key Storage
PUFkeyst uses the value of NeoPUF to entangle with the data itself to reach high security level without using KEK.

PUFtrng - PUF-based True Random Number Generator
Our PUFtrng leverages the perfect randomness of NeoPUF to generate the qualified TRNG without the need for high-quality entropy sources.

PUFuid - PUF-based Unique Identity
Generating chip secret with inborn root-of-trust

Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)
The Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is a fully integrated analog IP generating a stable number from random local process variations.

Quantum-Driven Hardware Root-of-Trust - Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)
Our patented semiconductor design is the most secure hardware root-of-trust available to create unforgeable device identities and cryptographic keys.

Quantum-Driven Hardware Root-of-Trust - Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)
Our patented semiconductor design is the most secure hardware root-of-trust available to create unforgeable device identities and cryptographic keys. QDID stands for Quantum-Driven Identity. QDID is a...

Intrinsic ID QuiddiKey 300: First Ever PSA Certified Level 3 RoT Component IP
Digital trust is critical for the continued success of the IoT, so security, reliability, and privacy are top concerns. New legislations are driving improved security practices as well as an increased...

QuiddiKey 100 - Small Footprint PUF IP to Create, Wrap and Manage Keys
The number of connected devices, machines or sensors that are linked with each other over open communication networks on the internet of things (IoT) has exploded. Processes are remotely monitored thr...

Via-PUF Security Chip for Root of Trust
ICTK s Via-PUF solutions let you build the most reliable root of trust for IoT supply chain safety.


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