2.25-3.60V to 1.0-1.4V step down DC/DC converter


055TSMC_DCDC_03 is a DC/DC voltage converter designed to operate in the mode of a step-down synchronous pulse voltage regulator with load capacity from 0 to 250mA. IP block converts the input voltage in the range from 2.25V to 3.6V into a switchable output voltage 1.1V/ 1.2V/ 1.3V/ 1.4V. The DC/DC IP can operate in the LDO mode.

Tech Specs

Part Number055TSMC_DCDC_03
Short Description2.25-3.60V to 1.0-1.4V step down DC/DC converter
Maturity Silicon proven
Geometry nm55
Target Process NodeTSMC CMOS 55 nm
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