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Quantum-Driven Hardware Root-of-Trust - Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)


Our patented semiconductor design is the most secure hardware root-of-trust available to create unforgeable device identities and cryptographic keys.
QDID stands for Quantum-Driven Identity. QDID is a semiconductor design whose quantum-driven properties make it a strong hardware root-of-trust for IoT devices. It provides a unique device identity and cryptographic keys that cannot be counterfeited, hacked or breached. QDID is ELA4+ certified as well as PSA Ready level 2.

Tech Specs

Part NumberQDID
Short DescriptionQuantum-Driven Hardware Root-of-Trust - Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)
Maturity Silicon proven, multiple generations.
FoundryTSMC, GlobalFoundries, UMC
Geometry nm22, 55
Target Process NodeGlobal Foundries, UMC, TSMC 55nm-22nm
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